Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018
What is the look of power? Historically, it was something you would expect to see in kings and queens, or presidents even. There was a time where a certain nationality or culture would be held in higher esteem as one that is inherently more powerful than the other, however, we now understand that power comes in all different shapes and sizes. A few weeks ago, we explored the ways in which one could successfully convey the look of confidence, and this week we are going to look similarly at the ways in which your photographs can visually express your unique power.
Powerful people exude power from the inside. Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018
Most often, we associate the look of power with someone who owns or manages a business or large organization (like a religious or governmental institution). This is a very reasonable assessment that reaches every culture and period of time. Oxford dictionary even defines power as being the “capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.” Of course, each of these descriptions help us to better understand different types powerful people, however, the question still remains… what does power look like? As I always say, the power of photography is the ability to document who you really are. There are definitely a few ways you can improve the way you appear in photographs, and as the portrait specialist, I am truly passionate about bringing these tips to life. So let’s take a brief look together, at what it means to convey power in a photograph.
You can communicate power through your eyes, attitude and posture. Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018
Imagine you are at the office, locked in a high pressure situation at the quarterly review where it is now time to discuss a massive budget restructure. In a situation where funds seem largely insufficient and objectives seem too great for the team to accomplish in the given time frame, the chatter in the room becomes unintelligible. While everyone seems to be voicing their dizzying frustrations about difficult decisions and compromises that need to be made per department, there is one voice that emerges through the chaos -- a calm in the midst of the storm. With a countenance that is both resolute and unswerving, her lips part with words of strength and determination. She offers a measured rebuttal to the concerns of the team, and delegates with grace and solid assurance.
Remember; first impressions are lasting impressions so let’s make sure yours is a powerful one. Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018
Now, we’ve all read our share of books and columns on management and the “signs of a true leader,” however, when it comes to real life, the words we read can only do so much for us because it is how we respond in the moment that really makes the difference in our lives and the lives of others. While concerns of the other people in the room may have an effect on a department or two in the business, when the leader speaks, it is clear she has the power to influence the lives of everyone in the room and perhaps even the business at large and beyond. The look of power itself is an art, because true power cannot be contained or controlled, yet it is available to be embraced and appreciated. Do you embody the look of power?
Look into the camera, speak from your eyes, take a position of power and relax, show your confidence - unsure of what to do? I will work with you to make it come across as effortless and resolved. Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018
Corporate headshot sessions with both men and women are always a unique experience. Do you ever wonder why you sometimes struggle to express the magnitude of what you do for a living, even though you may do it very well? The truth is that this is usually the effect of someone who puts on a face, or tries to look a certain way when it comes to being photographed. We are often told how we “should” look when it comes to having our photograph, especially when preparing for a professional portrait session, however, it always ends up taking away from the truth of who you are! Here my three quick tips for success during our next session together:
Be strong. Be powerful. Be you.
I will help you to bring that power look out in your photographs. It is my job to capture a powerful portrait. Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018
True high end photography is luxurious because it brings out the best in you, both in person and in print. If you are a powerful individual, you need to ensure your portraits are speaking to your best features. Whether you are in need of an executive session, a new look for the new year, or even a professional profile photo, give me a call today to learn for yourself what it is like to put your best face forward. 212.593.0933 or
*snap you soon*
Love, LK
I love this portrait of Elisa who is a nutritionist with several books to her credit. Sitting relaxed in a chair she conveys power in her look - she know what she is about and it comes across in a subtle way. Photo by Lucille Khornak ©2018