A Magical Garden for a New Decade! Will You Try This Now?
One Day Left Until A New Decade Begins!
2020 is a day away. Most people make New Year resolutions and try to keep them for a month or two. By March their goals seem to fall away and resolutions are forgotten. Why? To some extent it is the nature of the beast, as they say. How can you change this patternin the new decade? I’d like to offer you an exercise that may be helpful—if you are willing to try it.
Reflect on your achievements and your losses in the past decade. Spend some time thinking about them as you are asked to review the events of the past 10 years. Maybe it would be a good idea if you wrote them down. On one side of the paper create a column listing your losses or failures, and, on the other side, in another column, document your wins or accomplishments. Don’t allow what happened in the past decade define you for your future. You have the ability to change what you don’t like.
Now visualize a cord linking 2019 and 2020. 2019 is on the left side and 2020 on the right. See yourself cutting the cord in the middle with a pair of scissors. As you cut the cord, see 2019 falling away and disappearing. The remaining cord will become a gateway to 2020.
You are now walking through a gate. In the near distance you see a beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers and thick, green bushes. Several benches are positioned throughout the garden. You choose one, sit down, and enjoy the lush beauty around you, including the singing colorful birds perched in the trees and flying through the garden.
The garden colors are vivid and bright. Intensify these colors. This is your fantasy garden, the finest you have ever seen. Soak in the reds, blues, greens, yellows, pinks, turquoises, and lavenders. See yourself receiving the energy of these vibrant hues.
Whenever you feel down and not sure of what to do, return to your fantasy garden. Go to this magical garden for a few minutes at least once a week. If possible, spend a little time there every day. Here you will escape from the humdrum of the day, mentally revive, and experience inner peace.
This is a magical place where anything is possible. Here you can create what you desire. Take some time to visualize what you would like to happen in the new decade. Then, fast forward, and see it actually happening. See what you will be like when your dreams and vision happens. How does it feel? How are you explaining what you’re feeling to your friends and family? You now have the ability to create your desires going forward. The way to do this is to define your goals and seethe end result. Once you have spent some time in this magical garden, bring yourself back to reality and write down what you imagined. Add these thoughts to your phone to make it easy for you to be reminded daily of your goals.
If you are like most people, there isn't enough time in the day to fit everything in. I myself understand this as I am always busy serving my clients. One way to solve that problem is to learn to delegate certain tasks. This may cost some dollars, yet it is well worth eliminating some stress from your life so that you can feel you are accomplishing your tasks while, at the same time, enjoying some peace of mind.
I have been a devout student of alternative medicine and healing practices for many years. This knowledge had helped me greatly as an individual, both personally and creatively.
I feel that I was truly born to be a photographer. I love the process of taking a photograph, and I equally love the photograph’s ability to take me back to that moment in time many years later.
I love children! I enjoy meeting and working with families and touching their lives in a positive way by providing them with beautiful photographs that, in the future, will trigger memories of those precious moments of their past.
Color fascinates me; I am actually crazy about color. I carry this obsession over to my printing of digital images, which must meet my high standards of perfection. Digital can produce some unattractive colors; unless you are an expert at color or black-and-white printing, you will not be getting the best quality. I assure that each photograph we deliver is perfect in every way. I can spend hours getting the color just right.
If you are ready to delegate your photography and create a wonderful legacy for future generations, then I am the person for you. My work is about capturing soulful, energetic, and whimsical images. It is about capturing reality, the true personalities of the individuals comprising your family while, at the same time, exposing the beauty in each person. It would be my great pleasure to document your journey through life with remarkable images.
Happy New Year! Cheers to a new decade filled with new ideas, new opportunities, andnew adventures.May your lives be blessed with unconditional love and great happiness.
Lucille Khornak